REACTION Appleton left frustrated by Vale Fightback

The verdict as United draw 2-2

Michael Appleton was left frustrated as a second half comeback allowed Port Vale to deny his United side a second away win of the season.

 Leading 2-0 at the break through Chey Dunkley and Dan Crowley, United were left with just one point after Vale struck back with two goals early in the second half to make it 2-2.

“It’s always difficult to take when you go two goals up and then you let the opposition back into the game” Michael told Yellow Player HD. “It can happen, it almost happened for us on Tuesday night, so we are aware of that.  2-0 is always a dangerous score line, because if the opposition get the first then they they get their tails up. I’m just disappointed with the second goal again today. We can talk about the first one, but for the referee to give a penalty for something like that I just don’t know where we’re going with it.”

Having looked comfortable for 45 minutes Michael was left to rue his side’s inconsistent form this season:

“We were in full control in the first half and maybe if Dan had put his chance away early doors in the second half it’s 3-0 and you go on and win by 4 or 5. We’re in a place at the minute where we can’t put back to back victories together, can’t put back to back games, but it is what it is, you have to take it on the chin and move on.

“We will make sure that we remind the players that they did a lot of good things in the game and just got unstuck by two set plays, which is frustrating and we just need to eradicate really.  

“It’s hard to be too angry or disappointed because again  in the final third we looked like opening them up and if we can continue to open teams up like that, then you are always giving yourself a chance of winning.”

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