Tiger Pleased With United's Progress

With Oxford United in great form and moving ever closer to the play-off places we thought it was time to catch up with Chairman Tiger so this morning we chatted to him at his home in Bangkok and asked him how he enjoyed last night’s win over Doncaster?

“It was a very strong performance” he told us. “I talk football with Karl and the backroom team all the time and I like to think I know the game a little but their analysis of the opposition and preparation for the games is amazing; certainly a long way ahead of how I watch the game.

“I knew that Doncaster are a very disciplined side, very organised, but we played with such movement and pace, especially in the first half, and dominated so much of the game

“I thought we played well at Hull too so we can take positives from both games this week and I’m looking forward to watching the Blackpool game now.”

Like everyone else, Tiger is having to watch games on iFollow at the moment.

“Last night’s game ended about 4am here” he said, having gained revenge by phoning us at 5.30am in the UK the next morning! “But I have a routine now. I try to sleep for a couple of hours, then get up and watch the game. The problem is I wake up the rest of the house when I celebrate the goals: the whole house came to see what was happening when Dan Agyei scored at Swindon! I hope, one way or the other, I won’t have that problem again next year.

“I think most fans have a routine now. iFollow has been a very good way of watching games but it is not a replacement for being there and I can’t wait to come over and see everyone and be part of the Oxford United family again”.

Are there any clues when that might happen?

“Not yet. Like the rest of the World Thailand is moving forward and I hope the worst of the Lockdown is over. Actually Oxford was in the news this week here: the Prime Minister had the Oxford vaccine and once again the city of Oxford is there for everyone to see. I don’t think even the people in Oxford know just how famous their beautiful city is around the World.

“The vaccination programme is organised differently here than in the UK; it is based on key workers and occupation rather than age- that is a very simplified version but I am still waiting for mine. I’d love it to be the Oxford version as well!”

Tiger is in constant contact with everyone at the club and things are moving ahead in all areas, not just on the pitch:

“We all keep in touch. Karl and I speak almost every day about the football side of things. Recruitment meetings are taking place and plans are made for the summer.

“There is a pre-season tour ready to go if restrictions allow and big plans for the Training Ground this summer. I speak to Niall McWilliams about the other side of the club and exciting things are happening off the field as well. The Commercial team are discussing season tickets and memberships, which we hope to announce soon, and I know that one of the priorities is to make sure that we can welcome fans back as quickly and as safely as we can.”

Finally, any message for the fans?

“Only to stay positive and keep supporting the team. It is the Year of the Ox but we don’t get carried away by one win, we are always looking longer term than that. But I hope the end of the season is going to be so exciting for us all. We are in such a positive position, on and off the pitch.

"I don’t have to put out a big message asking fans to get behind their club: they always do that anyway. All I want is for everyone to stay safe, knowing that every game we play now brings us one game closer to being together at a match and finally able to do what we all love: supporting Oxford United”.