U's Join Clubs in Furloughing Staff

Like the rest of the country Oxford United are having to adjust to life in lockdown and like many other football clubs have decided to utilise the government's support scheme to furlough staff.

The club will come back in good shape but with no matches this is a particularly tough time for all football clubs. Staff were asked their opinion and have unanimously agreed that the club should take this step.
Key staff will continue to work to ensure that the club is ready when football resumes. We will continue to update this website and our social media channels as we believe that the club has a big role to play in the community at this time.
Supporters Trust OxVox asked a number of pertinent questions around finances at this difficult time for football and we felt by sharing the more relevant answers with the whole fanbase we might be able to explain the situation right now:
Can the club handle cash flow to pay backroom and playing staff during the shutdown?
Bearing in mind this is a dynamic situation and no one knows how long this will last we have plans in place to pay all backroom and playing staff. Obviously government measures will help. As we would have had to in normal circumstances we are always dependent on shareholder support as are most clubs
What contingency planning is the club doing to cover funding during the shutdown? i.e. is there any internal working assumption about when the season might be resumed?
We are always contingency planning for a variety of assumptions/season restart dates
When do loan player contracts expire and is there likely to be a blanket extension?
 We expect all loans and contracts to be extended, whether that is players on loan to or from us, in line with the season but this will be a matter for the football authorities in due course and we await their guidance.
Have Firoka been approached to offer a rent rebate or deferment?
Yes we are in regular discussions with Firoka and have deferred some of March's quarter rent due to April
Will the club be able to take advantage of government financial support of 80% of salaries in respect of any staff? Will redundancies be avoided?
Furloughing is available to all companies and we will be using this in line with the guidelines as we were shut down on 13th March. We are doing all we can to avoid redundancies
Is a season ticket launch planned the moment the playing situation is clarified? Or would it be on hold pending the outcome of the promotion bid?
Season tickets would have been launched in April as per normal years so we expect they will be launched soon after the playing situation is clarified.
Does the club plan to take advantage of the £180k loan facility from the EFL?
The club has already taken advantage of that facility.