Oxford Together

Oxford United are proud of the work we are doing across our city and county during this time and we have had a number of fans contacting us to ask how they can help either the club or their local community.

We are happy to support Oxford Together: a fantastic way for people looking to help to connect  with others in Oxford who maybe could use some support right now.
Oxford Together is a community-led response to Covid-19 coordinated by Oxford Hub, working with communities and local services to provide support to those who are at high-risk or currently self-isolating
This takes four main forms:
  • Street champion recruiting and training, empowering local people to coordinate support on their street.
  • Daily phone check-ins for isolated people.
  • Practical support, such as shopping.
  • Food distribution across Oxford.
Volunteers receive briefings and background checks if they are coming in contact with vulnerable individuals and it’s easy to sign up: just CLICK HERE
We would love to hear from other organisations who are looking for volunteers in Oxfordshire right now.
We know the Yellow Army is ready to help - get in touch…