Ella Hoping For Help For Helen and Douglas House

Oxford United fans are a generous lot and we would love you to help a young fan who is helping Helen and Douglas House.

Ella Greenough is a season ticket holder at the Kassam Stadium and when she is well she attends most home games and has been since she was 6 months old.

Ella was recently in hospital, quite seriously ill, before this pandemic which means she’s not been out of the house for nearly 12 weeks apart from appointments to hospital.  We found out about this and the players videocalled Ella to help put a smile on her face. The players have been helping Ella who led the teams out for a game this season and loved Jamie Mackie's 'stay at home, sanitise' video!

Ella has an unknown neuromuscular disorder and because of this she has been attending Helen and Douglas House hospice since she was little. She’s now 4 years old and has very complex medical needs but takes everything in her stride .

Mum Kirsty told us:

"We as a family need Helen and Douglas House more than anything. They are our rocks but are a local charity based at east Oxford which rely on donations but because of this pandemic we as a family are worried about the charity

“We decided to do what we can to raise funds ourselves in lockdown. Ella is going to shave her daddy’s head  - she's very excited about this! Her sister Kacey is also doing a 2.6 cycle ride for the hospice and we have a family target of over £1000 and hopeful we can reach this.

Helen & Douglas House is continuing to provide end-of-life and symptom management care for children at their hospice and supporting children in their own homes throughout the current lockdown.

At the moment these families are not able to visit the hospice for respite care though. Because their children are very vulnerable, many of them have had to self-isolate to protect them and not have carers coming into their houses.

You can help. Just click here and donate