Return Of The Mac

We are delighted to have a very special guest with us on Saturday when Alex MacDonald returns as our Guest of Honour.

Macca joined Oxford from Burton in February 2015, leaving for Mansfield two years later having scored 14 goals in 82 appearances.

“I’m looking forward to it” he told us “I’ve found a club I’ve fallen in love with at Mansfield but when I left Oxford I was heartbroken, but when your time’s up it’s best to move on.”

“I had some good times at Oxford,” he says. “There was a Wembley trip, cup runs, we got promoted. Probably my best memories in football were down there. We had such a great team and everyone was friends away from it. There was a togetherness and team spirit that I’ve only ever witnessed at one club before and that was at Burnley when we got promoted to the Premier League.

“We had a great team; not only did we have great players but we had great people. This made for a very successful couple of years.”

There is a fantastic interview with Alex in Saturday’s match programme, and we know you will give him a fantastic reception when he is introduced to the crowd at half time.