Boxing Day Heads for Bumper Crowd

Bumper crowd for Boxing Day with the U's

We are heading for another bumper Boxing Day crowd with over 9,000 tickets already sold for our home game against Northampton Town.

The current total stands at 9,204 tickets sold and with huge interest in this match fans are advised to book their place as quickly as possible to avoid missing out on Oxford’s biggest Christmas Party.

The two teams have a healthy rivalry and respect after being promoted side by side last season and there will be a great atmosphere, as Head Coach Michael Appleton said:

“It’s great that so many people are going to be here to get behind us. 

“Boxing Day is a chance for people to come along with their families and get out of the house for an afternoon to enjoy what should be a  really entertaining  match. The players have responded well whenever we have had big crowds like this: look at the game against Swindon earlier in the season or the Swansea game in January. Oxford fans certainly enjoyed them and we will do all we can to leave them smiling again on Boxing Day.”

Tickets are selling particularly quickly in the North Stand where under 30 tickets remain available, although there are spaces available in the Family Area: come and enjoy the new Family Room in Olly’s Den before the game where we have loads for young fans to do.
The South Stand Upper  has 97 tickets left and the East Stand and South Lower are both selling quickly so don’t leave it too late: book today to make sure you are here for Boxing Day.

Tickets are available from where you can print at home, or by phone from 01865 337533