Callum Helps Out

Oxford United forward goes back to school

The Year 8 football team at Gosford Hill School have had a little helping hand in recent weeks with United winger Callum O’Dowda returning to his former secondary school  to coach the keen young footballers.

Callum was contacted by his former PE teacher Richard Goldring to see if he would like to help out with a little coaching for the 12 and 13 year olds at the school. Callum jumped at the chance and has been training the team after school on Wednesdays when his own training schedule permits, and he will also be watching them play when possible.

Callum told us:

“I enjoyed my time at Gosford Hill and it’s great to go back and help out. There are some good players in the group and they are all really keen and enthusiastic so it’s a pleasure to work with them. I am learning a lot as well so it is working out really well. “