United Women Tackle Blenheim Triathlon

United Women enjoy success at the Blenheim Triathlon for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research

 Oxford United Football Club women’s First Team players Holly Pickett, Amy Chivers and Katherine Nutman took time out from training to compete in the sprint team relay of Saturday’s Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Blenheim Palace Triathlon, completing the course in an impressive 1hr 36mins 49secs.
The Sprint Team Relay allows three participants to each take a turn in one of triathlons swim, bike and run legs of the course.
Chivers kicked off the relay with a strong 750m swim in 14mins 50secs, followed by an impressive cycle from midfielder Holly Pickett who completed the 19.9km leg in 49mins 13secs before being met by fellow midfielder Katherine Nutman, who  took over for the final run stage and covered the 5.4km course in 27mins 42secs.
Pickett said; “The cycle was harder than I thought, especially the challenging hill in the middle, but knowing Katherine was waiting for me at the run leg spurred me on and kept me focused. We’ve had such a brilliant day and it was great to hear some Oxford United fans cheering us on in the crowd.”
Oxford United Women’s manager Les Taylor, said; “I’m really impressed with how the girls performed, especially since it’s their first ever triathlon. Since announcing they were competing in the event, the coaching staff have been giving them various exercises to help supplement their football training and ensure they were in peak condition ahead the event. We always encourage our players to complement their training and so the goal of competing in the Blenheim Palace Triathlon has proved the perfect incentive for them.”
As Official Charity Partner, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research had over 1,000 people taking part in the event and beat the record £250,000 raised last year.